
Someone's trash can be your treasure

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Our mission

Enegue MRW (Pty) Ltd is a forward-thinking company that specializes in manufacturing innovative workspaces within customer chosen spaces i.e. rented shop, own shack, wooden cabin, or our fully fitted shipping container. These workspaces are designed to promote sustainability and recycling by incorporating cutting-edge machinery, including shredders, extrusion machine, flat press, injection machines, oven press, cardboard shredders and can-crushes to turn waste materials into useful products.

Our vision

Enegue MRW(Pty) Ltd envisions a world where recycling and sustainable production are the norm, and waste is transformed into valuable products to sell or other resources.

Key objectives:

  • Develop and produce compact and efficient workspaces.
  • Promote recycling and sustainable production practices.
  • Provide businesses with cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions for waste management and product creation.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.